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What is a water reducer?

Published:2018-11-02      Clicks:296

Water reducing agent

It can reduce the water consumption of mixing and improve the strength of concrete under the condition of the workability of concrete and the amount of cement unchanged. Or under the condition of workability and strength unchanged, saving the amount of cement admixture.

According to its water reduction and enhancement ability, it is divided into ordinary water reducing agent (also known as plasticizer) and high efficiency water reducing agent (also known as super plasticizer), and it is divided into first-class products, qualified products.

They are divided into: (1) water quality sulfonates; (2) polycyclic aromatic salts; (3) water soluble resin sulfonates.

Ordinary superplasticizer should be used for concrete with daily minimum temperature above 5℃. High efficiency superplasticizer is suitable for concrete construction with daily minimum temperature above 0℃, and suitable for preparation of large fluidity concrete, high strength concrete and steam cultured concrete.

At present, several kinds of water reducing agents commonly used on the market are: naphthalene series high efficiency water reducing agent, aliphatic high efficiency water reducing agent, amino overspeed high performance water reducing agent, water reducing activator, sodium glucate, sodium lignosulfonate, lignosulfonate, expansion agent and so on.

TH-928 polycarboxylic acid series high performance water reducing agent (OPQC series water reducing agent)

TH-928 polycarboxylic acid series high performance water reducing agent is a concrete superplasticizer (water reducing agent) which is the most cutting-edge, the highest science and technology content, the best application prospect and the best comprehensive performance in the world. TH-928 polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer is a compound product of carboxylic acid grafted polycopolymer and other effective additives. Compared with similar products at home and abroad, TH-928 polycarboxylic acid superplasticizer has reached the international advanced level in terms of technical performance index and cost performance.

First, performance characteristics

1, low content, high water reduction rate, water reduction rate can be as high as 45%;

2, the loss is small when the slump is light, the slump loss rate of ready-mixed concrete 1h is less than 5%, 2h is less than 10%;

3. The enhancement effect is remarkable. The 3d compressive strength of concrete is increased by 50 ~ 110%, the 28d compressive strength by 40 ~ 80% and the 90d compressive strength by 30 ~ 60%;

4. Excellent workability of concrete, no segregation, bleeding phenomenon, uniform color of concrete appearance. When used to prepare high grade concrete, the concrete has good cohesiveness and is easy to mix.

5. Moderate gas content, no adverse effect on concrete elastic modulus, good frost resistance and durability;

6, can reduce the early heat of cement hydration, conducive to mass concrete and summer construction;

7. Excellent adaptability, good compatibility of cement and admixture, good temperature adaptability, good compatibility with different kinds of cement and admixture, solve the problem of poor compatibility between other kinds of water reducing agent and cementing material;

8, low shrinkage, can significantly reduce the shrinkage of concrete, freeze-thaw resistance and carbonization resistance is significantly better than ordinary concrete; Significantly improve concrete volume stability and long-term durability;

9, alkali content is very low, alkali content ≤0.2%, can effectively prevent the occurrence of alkali aggregate reaction

10, good product stability, long-term storage without stratification, precipitation phenomenon, no crystallization at low temperature;

11, the product is green, no formaldehyde, environmentally friendly products;

12, good economic benefits, the comprehensive cost of the project is lower than the use of other types of products, the same strength conditions can save 15-25% cement.

Two, technical indicators

TH-928 polycarboxylic acid series of high performance water reducer uniformity index

Item index

Light brown liquid in appearance

Density (g/ml) 1.09±0.02

Solid content (%) 22±2

Cement net pulp fluidity (reference cement) (㎜) ≥ 250 (W/C=0.29)

pH 6 ~ 8

Chloride ion content (%) ≤ 0.02

Alkali content (Na2O+0.658K2O) (%) ≤ 0.2

Iii. Instructions for use

1. The dosage is 0.4% ~ 2.0% of the total weight of the cementified material, and the common dosage is 0.4% ~ 1.2%; Before use, the concrete test should be carried out to obtain the best dosage;

2, can not be mixed with naphthalene series high efficiency water reducing agent, and other admixtures should also be used in advance of the concrete compatibility experiment;

3. Slump is highly sensitive to water consumption, and water consumption must be strictly controlled when used;

4, pay attention to the concrete surface curing.

Iv. Scope of application

It is suitable for pumping or normal concrete engineering with strength grade C15~C60 or above. Especially suitable for the preparation of high durability, high flow, high slump, high strength and high appearance quality requirements of the concrete project. It is very advantageous to prepare high fluidity concrete, self - compacting concrete and clear - faced concrete.

V. Packaging and storage

1. TH-928 polycarboxylic acid series high performance water reducing agent for liquid products, using barrels;

2, should be stored in a cool and dry bath, avoid direct sunlight, winter to prevent frost;

3, sealed storage period is 12 months, after the certificate can continue to use.

HSB aliphatic superplasticizer

HSB (High Strence Bing) is a carbonyl pyroaldehyde synthesized by high molecular sulfonation. Hydrophobic main chain for aliphatic hydrocarbons, hereinafter referred to as HSB, is a green high efficiency water reducing agent developed in Qingdao. This product does not pollute the environment and does not harm human health. It has wide applicability to cement, obvious enhancement effect to concrete, small slump loss, low temperature no sodium sulfate crystallization phenomenon, widely used in the preparation of pumping agent, slow setting, early strength, antifreeze, air and other personalized water reducing agent, and can also be combined with naphthalene series water reducing agent, amino water reducing agent, polycarboxylic acid water reducing agent.

Main technical index

1. Brown red liquid in appearance; 2, solid content > 35%; 3. Specific gravity 1.15-1.2

Performance characteristics

1, high water reduction rate. Mixing amount of 1-2%, water reduction rate can reach 15-25%. Under the condition of the same strength slump, mixing HSB can save 25-30% cement consumption.

2, early strength, enhancement effect is obvious. Concrete mixed with HSB, three days can reach the design strength of 60-70%, seven days can reach 100%, 28 days than blank concrete strength increased by 30-40%;

3, high protection plastic. Concrete slump time loss is small, 60 min basically no loss, 90 min loss of 10-20%;

4, wide applicability to cement, workability, good cohesion. Good compatibility with other kinds of admixtures;

5. It can significantly improve concrete's freeze-thaw resistance, impermeability and sulfate corrosion resistance, and comprehensively improve concrete's other physical properties;

6. It is especially suitable for the following concrete: fluid plasticized concrete, natural curing and steam curing concrete, impermeable and waterproof concrete, durable freeze-thaw resistant concrete, sulfate resistant sea concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete;

7. HSB is non-toxic, non-combustible, non-corrosive steel bar, no sodium sulfate crystal in winter.

Usage method

1. Find out the best dosage through experiments, the recommended dosage is 1.5-2%;

2. HSB and mixing water can be added to concrete together, or post-addition can be adopted. The addition of HSB concrete should be extended by 30 seconds of mixing;

3. Due to the high water reduction rate of HSB, a layer of yellow pulp will appear on the surface of concrete before the initial setting, which is a normal phenomenon. After the concrete pulping and polishing, the color will be eliminated, or after the strength of concrete, the color will be eliminated naturally, watering and curing color will be eliminated faster, does not affect the internal and surface performance of concrete.

Storage and packaging

1, HSB can be stored at -20 -- 40 degrees Celsius but can not be exposed to the sun, shelf life of one year.

2, Packaging: 250KG iron drum or bulk supply, can also be packaged according to user's requirements.

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